Muslims going on boys trips

Q: It has become a trend amongst our Muslim people where they go on days on end to far away destinations for fishing trips etc. A so-called boys trip, where all types of things happen, from ganja, hukka, etc. to who knows what. Leaving their families all alone at home. What is more, even the so-called ‘Deen Daar, Tableeghi Jamaat brothers, and the like, actually join these people. Saying we need to go out and DE STRESS.

Another fitna is that they have a place where they go (Club House) or one friends house generally after Esha till the late hours of the night to play cards, tunnee, games, etc. with friends. Leaving their families alone at night.

This happens from the old grandfathers going down to the grandchildren. They all have their own clicks and spots to hang out or go on boys trips.

A lot of times these guys can’t make it to the masjid for Fajar Salaah. Is the behavior, to put it mildly, not well beyond INSANITY?

How can a true Muslim sleep in peace in the place where he will be satanically wasting so much funds whilst surrounded by masses of suffering Muslims? Never can one be a Muslim with such a cruel, hard-hearted attitude. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “The Muslimoon are like one man. When the eye pains, the whole body is affected. When he has a headache, the whole body is affected.”

Using the loop as a contraceptive

Q: Please clarify this matter for us:

1. In the case where a lady gets very sick during pregnancy, and is vomiting and unable to eat properly etc. for months, and hence needs a gap between pregnancies to recover physically and mentally, will it be permissible to utilise the loop as a contraceptive?

2. For normal spacing out of children, i.e. a lady doesn't get very sick or anything but just to space the children out, will using the loop be permissible?

Musaafir performing salaah with jamaat in the masjid

Q: I have a few questions regarding a musafir.

1. If a musafir joins the jamaat in the masjid, does he have to perform the full salaah? For example does he have to read the full 10 rakaats of Zohr or just the 4 Fardh that was read in jamaat?

2. Is it better to read the salaah in jamaat in the musjid or on my own, if I don't know any other musaafirs to make jamaat with?

3. Is it better to read qasr salaah or the full salaah when traveling, if I am reading alone?

Transporting a non married couple to their home

Q: An old school friend that does not practice deen (I don‘t exactly know his belief) and his girlfriend (I think she might be Christian since we are in Germany and she’s German) went to another country for holidays.

Now they want me to pick them up from the airport and bring them to their home where they live together. Since I don‘t want to be sinful I would like to know if it was haram for me to transport these people.

I read that transporting people to certain places as a taxi driver is makruh tanzihi in the Hanafi madhab since one is only indirectly assisting in sin. However, I am not a taxi driver and I don‘t want to make assumptions.

Am I sinful for transporting non married couples to their home?

Does the sunnats of the masjid and reward for performing salaah in the masjid apply to a musallla?

Q: I have recently moved into an area that has a musallah, but not a masjid. The musallah is 1.1 km from my house and the nearest masjid is 3.8km.

1. Are the etiquettes and sunan of a masjid applicable to a musallah i.e. should one recite the duas for entering and leaving a masjid, make niyah for itikaaf, enter with the right foot etc.

2. Will one accrue the same reward for performing salaah in a musallah as one would in a masjid?

3. If not, is it advisable to perform salaah in the musallah or make the extra effort to attend the masjid?

Any other additional information regarding the differences between a masjid and musallah will be greatly appreciated insha-Allah.

Price change in an item that was ordered

Q: A Muslim company confirmed the price of a product with me at R1800. They said stock will come in a few months.

A few months later the product comes and they say I must pay R2200. I said that you confirmed the price at R1800. The company says that price was then, and now it changed because of USD exchange rate. But previously he confirmed R1800 and never mention USD exchange rate.

I waited months to buy it from them and did not inquire elsewhere because they confirmed the price and my order at R1800.

Please advise:

(1) Is their action as above permissible?

(2) If permissible, is it in conformity with Islamic values? I am annoyed because I waited to buy it from them specifically at their confirmed price. I could have bought it elsewhere all these months.

Difficulty in performing wudhu and salaah due to ill-health

Q: I have many health problems including back pain, incontinence, tiredness, mentally and physically weak, etc. I spend most of the time resting on the bed. Doing wudhu and praying 5 times is very difficult for me. I feel unwell most of the time, doing wudu, praying salah take very long time and I become tired and stressed out.

I don't know any Muslim doctor to ask this and no one else can help me do wudu. Because my illnesses like back pain, tiredness go worse by wudu and praying, can I do tayammum instead of wudu? And pray salah sitting? I tried doing tayammum and pray sitting but still I struggle.