Ruling of iqaamah whilst performing salaah alone
Q: What is the ruling of iqaamah whilst reading alone according to the Hanafi mazhab... Is it sunnah or wajib?
Q: What is the ruling of iqaamah whilst reading alone according to the Hanafi mazhab... Is it sunnah or wajib?
Q: Can a Sunni Moulana perform a nikaah between a Shia boy and Sunni girl?
Q: When a woman is in sadjah, how should her bottom be positioned?
Q: Is it sunnah to use new water each time when washing each limb (when making wudhu)? Or can one take 1 scoop of new water for each limb (in the instance when using a mudd) and rub the limb 3 times? Which way is sunnah?
Q: I sell clothing, shoes and bags as a way to earn an income. I advertise items, get orders, the customer pays then I buy the stuff from the supplier and send it to the customer. My profit is maximum 30%. I would like to know if what I am doing is permissible?
Q: My wife informs me of an invite to a surprise birthday party - her sister is turning sixty tomorrow.
Would it be correct to attend, or allow family to? The sister is visited at least every fortnight, and the intention of paying a family visit could be used: what is the Shari stance?
Q: Kindly advise if it is permissable to give money which was earned through interest to another person who seeks help to settle his loan with the bank?
Q: If blood splashes on my clothes while slaughtering, can I perform my salaah with that clothes? Does the blood have to be a certain amount for it to be impermissible to be read with? What if it was just small dots of blood that splashed on my clothes? If I read salaah with the clothes, is my salaah jaaiz?
Q: Would it be permissible to eat from a plate that a na-mahram male ate from (after the man is finished and left)?
Q: How should a woman structure her daily life?