Collective forms of ibaadah taking precedence over individual forms of ibaadah in a Musjid

Q: Our Imaam mentioned a few points, which I wanted to clarify. The gist of the points is that in the Masjid, collective forms of Ibaadah always take precedence over individual.

1. If 5 minutes are allotted to read sunnah salaah before the khutbah, one should complete salaah in that time, to avoid inconvenience to the imaam, who has to wait for people who go over this time.

My question is, what if someone takes six or seven minutes. Is this incorrect or should the imaam wait patiently for such a person?

2. If after salaah, a jamaat is having a lecture, or there is some type of programme, the muqtadis should try and complete their salaah quickly or move to the back, so that the programme can commence as soon as possible.

Are these points correct?

Unilaterally canceling a sale

Q: If I purchase a car from someone but did not take possession of it till now from that individual and in his absence I say with intention that “I do not want the car”. Do I lose ownership rights over the vehicle on making that statement when I was yet to take possession of it or can I still claim it under the purchase agreement I made with him originally since I’m the new owner and the statement does not count as such which will render the transaction void?

Working for an insurance company

Q: I'm in UAE and here vehicle insurance for all vehicle is mandatory.

My question is, working in a vehicle insurance companay as a reconcile officer which the person has to check how many vehicles insurance we have paid and how much we have claimed from the third party insurance company. But I'm not engaging directly or indirectly to sell or buy the vehicle or other types of insurance to anyone.

Is that permissible in Islam, i.e. is my earning halaal or haraam?