Husband not adhering to the Sunnah


1. A woman's husband wears ordinary dresses like pant shirts and all not sunnah way of dressing like kurta pyjama, but wife wants him to wear sunnah clothing, how should she advise her husband? Even after she advises him if he doesn't wear it, will she have to show any displeasure towards her husband for the sake of Allah? Or she should continue loving him unconditionally?

2. Similarly in all the cases where husband is not practising the Sunnah or not going for tableegh in the path of Allah but wife wants him to do all these, what should be her stance towards her husband? She wants her husband to do all these because she loves him truly, but if husband is kind of lazy nature and don't listen to her then should she continue loving him or she must show displeasure towards him?

3. Similarly if one's husband is sinning how should a wife advise him? Humbly seeking your precious advise in this regard.

Hair dye

Q: I would like ask when getting ones hair professionally dyed, bleach (ammonia) is normally used to aid in transitioning from dark to light or vice verse. I have heard that ammonia forms a layer over the hair but am unsure whether this is true as Islamicaly permanent dyes are permissible. Please let me know whether getting ones hair dyed professionally is allowed particularly when it's to cover grey hair as a means of adornment for the husband.