Smelling something while fasting
Q: Does smelling/inhaling Food/odor/smoke break one's fast?
1. Does smelling food break fasting? Accidently remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting)
2. Deliberately remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting)
3. Does smelling odor (perfume, smell of someone’s body –like baby or even to check if someone’s sweat or not, odor of shampoo, creams, green tea, coffee etc, cigarette smoke (or any kind of smoke?) any kind of odor) break fasting accidently or deliberately?
4. My manager has a special perfume in his room for having good odor. I have to be there while a cleaning lady cleans the room. Does it break my fast if I have to be there or enter the room during a day?
5. If my family uses perfume and all room smells, do I have to leave the room or can stay, sometimes i sleep after work and they use perfume and all room smells, do i have to leave the room in the middle of a nap? The same about cooking food, do I have to leave the kitchen or a room where smells come to?
6. Sometimes in the middle of a sweet nap I feel cigarette smoke in our room that is coming from a café below our apartment, do I have to wake up and leave the room in this case?
6. What if I am in a situation that someone smokes near me but I can’t leave the place is my fast void then? Can I breathe by mouth blocking my nose or what must I do?
7. Is there something else close to topic ‘’food, odor, smoke’’ that breaks ones fast?