Attending an engagement

Q: I am invited to my 1st cousins engagement. I am the only female in niqaab and I am the only person in my family who is in a Darul Uloom. I don't know if I shouldn't go because I don't want to break the law of Allah Ta'ala or must I go to keep family ties. If I don't go then my family will get really upset with me but doesn't the command of Allah Ta'ala come first?

Performing tawaaf-e-ziyaarat without wudhu

Q: If a person performed tawaf e ziyarat, and then he went back to his home country and he realized that his wudhu was broken because of blood/puss coming out from an old ear infection. Is it obligatory or not to repeat the tawaf-e-ziyarat?

If the person did not repeat tawaf e ziyarat with wudhu, and also did not pay damm/fadiya for this penalty, is this tawaf e ziyarat accepted for Hajj? Is the Hajj valid because there are three obligatory acts (فرض) in Hajj, Niyah/Niyat, Arafat and tawaf-e-ziyarat. 

Performing hajj and tawaaf with impurity on one's ihraam and clothes

Q: In the days of hajj days, 8, 9, 10 Zul Hijjah, if there is impurity/najasat (urine drops and semen) on the ihraam but the body is clean with valid wudhu, and later while performing tawaf e ziyarat there is impurity/najasat (urine drops and semen) on the clothes, but the body is clean with valid wudhu, will the hajj be valid or not?