Washing mosquito blood stains from one's bedding


1. I have a problem of mosquito blood staining my bedding. I therefore wash that part only but do not do so 3x, sometimes only once because the blood is removed. Is this ok?

2. The water that falls elsewhere on my bedding from the washing of the blood, is it considered napaak? Do I have to wash that area where the water fell as well? - since the water has been used to wash blood.

3. Is the area where the above mentioned water fell has dried with no traces of impurity, will it be considered pure?

Judging people according to their ibaadaat

Q: My cousin is a Hafiz Alhamdulillah. He is pious but he wont do any Tabligh work. He wont tell people to pray or to leave out sins. He leads Taraweeh every year and he is busy in his life. My other cousin is a doctor. He is also pious Alhamdulillah he does Tabligh work with his doctor profession.

My question is, on the Day of Qiyamah, whose status will be higher; this doctor who is doing Tabligh or this Hafiz?

Collecting social grants paid by the government

Q: Is it permissible for Muslims to collect social grants paid by the government as alot of the taxes collected by the government is derived from the sale of haraam products and services such as alcohol and casinos. Just as cooking a large meal in a big pot with all halaal ingredients and then mixing the meal with a little bit of pork makes it haraam, does this principle apply to the collection of grants by this government?

Estimating the amount of qadhaa salaahs

Q: I have many qadhaas over the past 3 or 4 years. I've tried guessing but I have absolutely no idea, records, nothing. I usually pray all 5 prayers on time now, so would it be okay for me to start praying my qadhaas without making an estimate?

As I've mentioned, I don't have the slightest clue with which to make an educated guess. The longer I keep trying to estimate, the longer it gets put off. It's been two years already.

Gifting one's property to one's wife and daughters in one's lifetime

Q: I want to ask regarding inheritance. I have 3 daughters, so at present when I pass away, after my wife and daughters receive their share, the majority will go to my brothers or if they are no longer living then to my nephews by my understanding.

If I was to put the majority of my property into my wife and daughters names and leave for example 10% in my name, when I die I assume the share of that 10% will go to my my wife and daughters, and the remaining will go to other male inheritors.

So you see my intention is that my wife and daughters get the majority share by me transferring most of my property into their names.

My question is whether that is permissible by Islamic law.

Selling chickens by weight

Q: My question is regarding weighing. I work in a shop where halaal meat is sold. They sometimes put offers on. For example, 3lb weight chicken breast boneless. The actual weight is maybe 50g for example less because the meat is cleaned from excess fat for the benefit of the customer.

My question is the butchers clean the chicken from excess fat beforehand and put on display. They then give them that chicken less the 50g or so from the 3lb weight. My heart tells me this is not right but maybe it is. Could you please let me know?

Are three talaaqs considered as one?

Q: I gave my wife 3 talaaq in 1 sitting. I heard it is counted as 3. Is it true? What is the real fatwa on this?

I also heard from an organisation that 3 talaaq nowadays, due to some reason, is counted as 1. It is said also due to this time and age it is counted as 1.

So please reply and give me the fatwa and explaining from Qur'aan and hadith. I need to know what Qur'aan and hadith has to say about this and at this time and age what's the rules.