Using interest money to pay taxes
Q: Can you use interest money to pay traffic fines, taxes, government related issues example passport and toll gate fees?
Q: Can you use interest money to pay traffic fines, taxes, government related issues example passport and toll gate fees?
Q: If a person has someting in his top pocket and while goin into sajda it falls out, can he put it back into his poket or for example it's his glases. Can he move it to one side?
Q: Is it permissible to read namaaz with just a kurta and no pants and underwear underneath it?
Q: Please tell me is it true that on 10th muharram Allah Ta'ala says that "whatever his worshipper will eat by extending his meal and let many people join him" he will give growth to that stuff for a whole year?
Q: Can you teach me or tell me the attahiyat after the second rakaat and after the last rakaat? Because I doubt if what I had memorized was wrong.
Q: When performing namaaz, in the second rakaat before you say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, do you have to say Audhubillahi Minashaytanir Rajim first? Just like the first rakaat?
Q: Apart from the Sunnah Salaah viz. Salaat-ud-Duha, Salaat-ut-Tawbah, Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh, are there any other nawaafil Salaah?
Q: In witr Salaah, what Surahs should I recite in the 1st rakaat, 2nd rakaat and the 3rd rakaat?
1. Is there two tashahhud or attahiyat in witr after the second rakaat and third rakaat?
2. When is the dua-e-qunoot be recited in witr? And send me the dua-e-qunoot please because I don't know it.
3. When is the perfect time to perform witr Salaah? Is it at tahajjud time?
Q: I would like to enquire regarding the permissibility of trophy hunting. This includes animals permissible to eat as well as predator animals. Also is fishing as a sport allowed?