Sunnats and aadaab when visiting the graveyard


1. I wanted to know the etiquette and sunnah when visiting the qabrastaan? What is best for one to do when in the qabrastaan?

2. What should one recite and what will be most beneficial to read for the deceased when in the qabrastaan (closest to sunnah)?

3. When is it sunnah and most preferable to visit the qabrastaan?

4. Is there anything mentioned regarding pouring water over the qabr? If there is any book or literature on visiting the graveyard then please do let us know.

Redistributing an estate that was not distributed according to Shariah

Q: I have a question regarding inheritance. Me and my siblings are in total 8; 3 brothers and 5 sisters.

After the death of my mother, who passed away 10 years ago, me and my sister didn't receive anything from my mum's inheritance because we live abroad. The rest of them divided my mum's stuff according to their needs. The amount of stuff everyone took wasn't according to the Shariah, they didn't consider it while dividing.

Another problem is that my mum had some jewellery, but my late father told all of us that he didn't want us to take anything from it and decided to give everything to our older brother because he's the one that took care of my parents.

Now I'm studying Quran with tafseer and I got to know that what we did was not according to Quran and Sunnah. How can we solve this matter ? It's been 10 years from that moment and it's not possible for us to gather my mum's stuff anymore because some of it got sold.

Reason for an aayat of the Quraan to cause Hazrat Aaishah (radhiyallahu anha) to weep

Q: There is a book I read called "100 stories of Hazrat Aaishah (radhiyallahu anha) by Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias".

One of the chapters that sparked my curiosty was "Her concern for the Aakhirah" It was about how she was overcome by the Surah At Toor aayat 27. The translation of the ayat is: "However, Allah has favoured us and saved us from the punishment of the scorching wind."

The book stated that she was so overcome by this aayat that she kept on reciting it repeatedly, weeping more each time. I want to know a little more about this aayat (tafseer), why was it so powerful that it made her weep so much?

Purchasing items during festive season sales

Q: During the November and December seasons, stores and businesses across the country have X mas, Black Friday and festive season sales.

Is it ok to purchase an item on sale during these times, not because of the festive seasons, etc. but simply because, example a sandal is 50 percent off if purchased between Nov -Dec.

Also, if a person takes a car for a service, and the company offers an extra car service at a discounted price during this time, would it be ok to get a service at a discounted price... or should a person wait for maybe January and then do a service and pay the full price or purchase example, a sandal in January at a full price?