Names for a baby boy
Q: I have a son and I want to name him. Please tell me any beautiful meaningful name for him and which will be very suitable for his career and health.
Q: I have a son and I want to name him. Please tell me any beautiful meaningful name for him and which will be very suitable for his career and health.
Q: My pet cat has gone missing. I am dearly attached to it, and I l have been unsuccessful in trying to locate it. Is it permissible for me to approach an Aamil to help locate the cat?
Q: There is an allegation on my mother that she is doing black magic to the whole family. One Qari was called and and he inserted his powers in one of the effected cousin and that power named my mother. I need help. Is this the way one can tell that the black magic has been done.
Q: If I perform a namaz other than Asr that I start late just before the prayer time ends and then when I finish it is like a couple of minutes over it's time. Does the prayer count or must it be made up?
Q: Can a woman give a talaaq?
Q: Is it permissible for a married molvi to touch another woman who he is in love with but will not marry because for him its not a big deal to touch a woman in this manner. That girl loves him too but she is not agreeing to one thing, which is that she doesn't want him to sleep with his first wife after she gets married to him. Other than that she agrees to all but now the man changed his decision and left her. She is heart broken.
Q: All I ask is to make dua for me. My daughters father embraced Islam and is living with a Christian family. I don't want to live in Haraam. I want to make it halaal. I am really proud of him embracing Islam but I want to make it halaal. I don't want to live like this in sin. My daughter is getting big. All I ask is to reunite us again as a happy family and want to get married as soon as possible. Is there any dua I can recite to get married as soon as possible.
Q: Islam has allowed a mazoor with urinary incontinence to pray Quran and namaz with new wudhu but what about istinja? My situation is not good. I really want to pray all namaz but I am finding it very difficult. I have two questions?
1. Do we need to do istinja before every wudhu and
2. If I am out and I don't find any private place for istinja, so in this case do I have to only make wudhu and pray namaaz?
1. If someone uses Aa’ishah (Radhiallahu Anha's) looking at the Abyssinians as a proof of permissibility for watching such sport which has no Haram i.e music uncovering of satr women etc is this correct?
2. Therefore can one class this act as A) a waste of time B) lahw C) la yanee 3. If so then why?
Q: I have heard a hadith which states that if a woman uses perfume and goes outside then her prayer is not accepted until she performs ghusal. Is this true?