Where should nafil Salaah be performed?
Q: According to the Hanafi Mazhab is it better to perform nawaafil in the home or musjid?
Q: According to the Hanafi Mazhab is it better to perform nawaafil in the home or musjid?
Q: I have a best friend whom I hurt very badly because of a male friend. She feels hurt and we don't have the same relationship which we used to have before. She is also a non Muslim. What should I do? Even if I try to sort it out I don't think she will forgive me. Should I leave it or sort it out? What is the solution according to Islam? Please help me out.
Q: I have a male friend who is a non Muslim. I like him. I have feelings for him but he just treats me as a best friend. What should I do? Should I stop speaking to him or change my attitude on him? Please suggest to me something so that I to treat him as a friend.
Q: Can a woman who is doing hifz, recite only the memorised portion of her hifz during her periods, so as to not forget it?
Q: I was having a shower and was washing my backside from faeces. I used soap to remove the smell. I then smelt to check the tips of my fingers to check if the smell had been washed off and it had. After I had oiled and dried my body I after an hour or so passed my hand over my nose and smelt something like faeces on my palm. I only checked my fingertips when I had cleaned myself, so I am guessing that it had not been washed properly. I am now worried I have made my whole body and clothes impure.
Q: Is it permissible for a married couple to kiss on the lips?
Q: I read that in the 3rd and 4th rakaat of qadha salaah (zuhar, asar, maghrib and esha) you can pray subhaanallah three times instead of Surah faatiha and the Salaah will be valid and you will have fulfilled the right of the Salaah. Is this true?
Q: Do you have to shave your private parts? Can I not trim them with a machine. The reason why I ask is every time I shave, I start bleeding and then when I wear clothes the clothes stick to the wound and it bleeds for a few days.
Q: A person accrues R50 of haraam interest in his bank account. From his wallet, he gives R50 in cash to a poor person with the intention of disposing of this accumulated interest in his bank account. Has he disposed of the R50 interest, noting that the actual ‘interest R50’ is still in his bank account?
Q: What will be the "iddat" of a woman if her husband passes away and she has a 6 day old baby? It is in my knowledge that if the woman is pregnant then till delivery she is in iddat and in normal cases it would be 4 months and 10 days. But my question is this that just 6 days before the death of the husband she delivered. So is there no iddah and she will be "paak or tahira" in 40 days. Or she will complete 4 months?