Being forced by the government to pay interest

Q: If a person works at an accounting office that deals with tax and due to no fault of his own the government reassesses the tax liability of a previous period and charges it say a year after with interest and penalty. Is it haram to pay that? What if the accountant has to submit the payment since he deals with the account, is he liable for the sin too? Since he is not involved with the deal, it is not his account and he is not the scribe for the deal nor did he witness the contract?

Imaam breaking his wudhu in Salaah

Q: While leading the salaah, my wudhu broke. I was taught that it is best to break the salaah in this instance, due to the possibility of creating confusion. I therefore made one salaam and announced that my wudhu had broken while moving away. No one in the congregation stopped their salaah and the person behind me stepped forward to continue the salaah from the point that I stopped.

1. Was it correct for them to continue the salaah, as I had made one salaam (After my wudhu broke)?

2. Does the salaah have to be repeated? 

3. Can you explain any other  rulings that may help in such a  situation (does the Imam have to appoint someone, or does simply moving away suffice,

Zakaat on retirement fund

Q: I have a retirement fund called 401K where I contribute certain amount of money every bi-week and the employer matches certain percentage. I can withdraw the money if I wish but before the age of 59 and half if the money is withdrawn there is a penalty and tax burden involved. The question is whether I have to pay zakaah on the this and if I have to what would be the correct way to do this?

Remainder money that was collected for a function

Q: I have a question regarding some money left unused post event. At a college function I and my class mates were organisers and we collected money from mates and juniors. The intention was clear that all money should be used, but some amount has been not used. So now who is the shari'ee owner of that money? Is it permissible for me to take back money which I had given for the event? My mates have an excuse that we were helping physically and fancially? Not the others. Do organisers have the right to take the money only what they have given or whole amount? If not what is the shar'ee hukum?