Trimming the hair and coming out of ihraam

Q: I live in Saudi Arabia. I performed Umrah one week ago, when it comes to do qasr or halq, I got pain in on the side of my foot. I reached quickly  at the barber shop, they were closing shop due to prayer. I insisted but they refused to cut, they instead cut some hair from the upper side and another person with me also done it. After Prayer I wanted to cut my hair further, but due to much pain in the foot I could not go there. Then some one told me it is necessary to cut quarter  of the head but I could not do it, now  i'm back at home, and was thinking about it, either that qasr is enough for me or not, so my question is was this act enough to become halaal or not? If not, what do I have to do right now?

Question relating to Qadha Salaah


  1. What is the procedure of doing missed Qada namaz of last 10 years, approximately 500 salaahs?
  2. What will be intention?
  3. How many Rakat for each salat?
  4. Is there qada for witr?
  5. As I have lots of missed namaz, can I do qada salat instead of doing any nawafil as well tahajud? Please explain in detail so that I can do it.

Hadith question

Q: Is it true that Sayyadina Israfeel (Alayhis Salaam) would bring Wahi to Rasul صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ during the three-year period when Jibra'I'll (Alayhis Salaam) stopped visiting him? Somebody said that they seen this in the footnotes of Bukhari Sharief, and its listed as the seventh method of receiving wahy.

Second marriage

Q: I have a question about second marriage? I wanted to marry second wife but my first wife refused and told me to divorce her first. I want to know what's the ruling on that from Allah Ta'ala.

Refusing to accept gifts on occasions

Q: A person is living in a community where the people exchange gifts as a custom (rasm wo riwaj) for example when visits newborn baby gold is given to baby,at the time of marriage, money or gold is given to brides parents, at the time of opening of newly constructed house gifts and money are given by all people, at the time when a girl gets her first menses gold is given to her, at the time of khatna money is given to the boy and so on. These all hadyas are like forced hadyas because the person is giving gifts to maintain his social status not for the sake of allah because when he refuses to give or take gifts in any occasion mentioned above he is viewed low by that community. And also these customs have created big problems for many people who has very low monthly income but these people also finds money from any were to keep his social image. Now this person wants to demolish all rasm wo riwaj and exchange gifts in the way of sunnah at any time he wishes and not in particular occasion.for this to be possible he refuses all the gifts given by the people when all the above mentioned occasions occur in his family as a step to demolish the custom and and seek excuse that; "if you are very much willing to give the gift please give it to us at any time not in this occasion". Will he be sinning when he refuses the gifts? Is this a good decision taken by him in you ulama's view?

Chanda (collection)


  1. In the chanda (wusooli) system, is it compulsory to verify the income of a particular person wether it is halaal, haram or mashbooh before accepting money from him?
  2. Is the chanda system a good act or disliked act?
  3. Can mashbooh money be accepted from a person when doing wusooli for a madrassa?