Employee not honouring an agreement made when starting employment


1. If an employer insists that the employee must join remotely and relocate within 3 months. Can the employee agree (contractually/verbally), then proceed to work online for the first 3 months and serve a notice period? Does he have to fulfill the conditions?

2. Would the employee be sinful for not intending to relocate before he enters into such an agreement or for going back on a promise? Does that affect the income received for work done? Also, is such a condition valid and isn't the employee entitled to a salary for the period he has worked?

Watching cartoons that could risk one's imaan

Q: In the past, if a person watched videos of a cartoon called "The Simpsons" and the videos predicted the future and perhaps he was not sure if he ever believed them but he has an idea that at one point he rejected that. At one point he did think about the illuminati and devil worship and devils communicating with them. The person feared falling into Kufr, so is it Kufr?