Musaafir changing his intention and staying for more than 15 days

Q: My brother is currently in India and had intended to be there for three weeks. His whole time will be spent in Mumbai only and will not travel
anywhere else. He has been there for the past week and has been performing qasr. He realised today that he will be staying for more then 15 days and therefore is not entitled for qasr. What should he do for the salaat of the past week that he performed as qasr whereas he was not supposed to?

Starting the Kaffarah before breaking the oath

Q: I have a question. I have to pay a kaffarah because I brok one oath. Before breaking my oath I started fasting. When I reached on my third day of fast I got my haid (periods). Do I need to keep another two fasts again or continue with the last one only immediately after my periods. In another other case if I am willing to feed 10 poor people, can I give the equivalent money to one Muslim lady for ten days food?


Q: I have a question that praying the wazifa Ayat-e-Karima is wrong or right? I have been reading that this wazifa is powerful and helps us in difficulty and gives us relief and I would like to know is it right and could you please give me more details on it?

Communicating with a man before marriage

Q: My current fiance was previously married and told me he divorced his previous wife and she is in idah. During the idah they were seen together. Is this right? And what form of proof can I get to show that he has really divorced her and that she has sat her idah out as he has lied before about giving her the talaaq? Please advise on what I should do going forward.