Income earned through leasing one's property to the bank

Q: Can you explain to me the reason why Ulamaa so severely condemn the earnings of banks? In today’s times, the majority of the wealth in banks is acquired through the deposits of people which are from halaal. Hence, if one leases out his property to a bank, the income should be halaal based on the principle that if 50% or more of one’s income is halaal and such a person has to give you a gift, you can accept it.

Will Shaitaan, Jannat and jahannum be destroyed before qiyaamah


  1. I heard in many speeches of Islamic scholars and Ulama that on the day of qiyaamah every thing will be destroyed including angels, sky and every thing except Allah. In that case will shaitaan also die on the day of qiyaamah? If so what will be his reaction, while his death is this mentioned in any authenticated hadith?
  2. I heared that Jannah is being prepared from long back to the day that the person enters in to Jannah. And allah subahanawa thaala him self makes Jannatul firdous five times a day more beautiful.  If every thing will be destroyed at the time of Qayamat what will be situation of Jannah and ​Jahannam?


Q: In the Will of a deceased, liabilities reflected include various amounts described as:

Unpaid Zakaat

Unkept Fasts

Unperformed Salaat

Unfulfilled Kaffarah

Undischarged Mannat

How should the aforegoing items be dealt with in preparing the Liquidation and Distribution Account?.  Are such (religious) liabilities to be deemed
ordinary claims against the estate and paid over in full or as a Wasiyat/bequests and limited to only 1/3rd of the net value of the estate. And to whom should such liabilities be given and so discharge the deceased’s religious obligations. And, forgive my ignorance, but what does “Kaffarah: and “Mannat” mean?

Wife or daughter looking at the body of the deceased when they are in haidh or nifaas


  1. I wanted to ask if just say when a father passes away and his daughter is in haidh or nifaas then can she see the body and if not why and should she attend the funeral?
  2. Also I wanted to ask the maslah about the wife seeing the husbands body when he has passed away can she see it and can the husband see his wife's body? And why is their nikaah broken because he passed away or she passed away? Or what if she is in nifaas or haidh can she see the body?

Semen coming out with desire and force

Q: I need clarification on this issue. I would appreciate a detailed response if that is ok. Does mere orgasm in a man or woman require ghusl? I was studying fiqh [quduri] with a brother and he said even if you have an orgasm and nothing comes out ghusl will be required. His reasoning was the text mentions leaving its place of origin [i.e. the loins] and when you orgasm this sperm leaves its place of origin. I further asked him what if you took 40 steps or slept or urinated and then sperm came out without desire, he said even then ghusl required as it is stuck in the passageway and will come out with urination. But sunnipath says otherwise:

In the Hanafi school, in order for the ejaculation to nullify ritual purity, it must be accompanied with sexual gratification (shah-wah) at the time of leaving it's place of origin (i.e. the loins). Once orgasm has begun and based on it ejaculate exists from the penis, ritual purification will be nullified. According to the stronger opinion within the school, forceful exiting in spurts is not a condition provided that the initial cause was orgasm and sexual gratification (and not lifting some heavy object etc.). Given this, semen which remained in the passageway and exited after the completion of ghusl will require that the ghusl be repeated. However, when sleep, urinating or excessive walking occurs after the bath and before the exiting of the semen, due to these movements cleaning the passageway and halting the dripping of all semen, any semen to exit thereafter will not be attributed to the initial gratification. In the latter case, owing to absence of sexual gratification, ritual purity will remain intact. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, 1.160]

Is there a difference of opinion?

Hadith Question

Q: In Riyaadus Saliheen under chapter 180 (the virtues of reciting the Quraan), the 8th hadeeth of Baraa ibn 'Aazib RA, I do not understand the tranquillity of which Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) refers to, as my understanding is that the horse started to panic. Could you please explain it to me?