Paying for missed salaahs of a sick person

Q: My father is ill and unable to perform his salaah. I understand that I cannot perform the salaah for him. Is there any other way for me to cover up his salaah for him, and if so, how much will it cost to pay for his salaah? We estimate around 50 years without salaah. He has a house which just got paid off to the value of approx R800 000 and a car to the value of approx R40 000.

Will divorce take place if a married man denies getting married?

Q: My husband married me without leaving his first wife and I didn't know at that time that he was married. After 1.6 years I got to know that he is married to another woman and didn't leave her even after marrying me.

In an incident he denied that I am married to him in front of his first wife. So my question is, am I still married to him or not as he denied about marrying me?

Taking long to make ghusal

Q: I get frequent wet dreams. The problem is that it takes me about 30 mins daily to do ghusl. The main problem in ghusl is washing my feet which can take upto 20 mins because my feet has dirt inside the lines so I rub them with a pedicure stone until they are gone.

I am moving to a hostel for educational purposes and there I will have only few, maximum 5 mins for a bath as there will be a communal bathroom. Plus, the temperature can be 0°c or below too so I can't take a long bath. What do I do as I am becoming depressed due to this thing?

Woman taking a second husband

Q: Can a married woman whose age is 27 have a second marriage due to sex and economic necessity. She can't take a divorce as her husband is ill and they also have a 6 year old child. She has not had sexual relations with her husband for the last 3 years as her husband is incapable. So she is afraid of getting involved in zina. Can she take a second husband.

Muqtadi saying the takbeer when moving to different postures

Q: Is saying transitional takbeer (Allahu Akbar) when going to ruku, sujood, qiyaam obligatory upon the individual praying behind an imam or can he just follow the imam.

I have performed many prayers behind the imam and I thought I wasn’t obligated to say the takbeer besides takbeer al ihram. Would my previous prayers be invalid otherwise even if I were unaware? 

Breaking a promise made to Allah


1. If I make a promise and say insha Allah after it, would I have to pay kaffarah if I break that promise? For example, if I say I promise not to eat a chocolate for three days insha Allah and end up eating the chocolate would I have to pay kaffarah for breaking that promise?

2. If I have to pay kaffarah, how much do I have to pay?

3. If I have to pay the kaffarah and I made a few other promises just like that and they're all broken, do I have to pay separately for each, or once for all of them?

Comprehensive tajweed kitaab

Q: Several years ago, my Qaari Saheb taught me proper, comprehensive tajweed principles along with their application. Eventually, I forgot the principles although if I am asked to recite something, I can Alhamdulillah recite it properly.

I wish to revise tajweed. Please suggest a book (in any language: English, Urdu, or Arabic) that explains the principles comprehensively.

Repeating salaah if one found out that wudhu was not valid

Q: I was sitting after performing salaah when I noticed that there is a black, sticky substance on my foot through which water could not pass. It was the size of a whole round fingernail, and I had not seen it before.

Then, my brother told me that he saw it since 3 or 4 days on my foot. I had also led jamaat during these days. Will I have to repeat all the salaah that I had offered on these days? Will those who followed me in jamaat also have to repeat their salaah?