Killing a Locust in the State of Ihraam
Q: Is it permissible for one in the state of ihraam to kill a locust?
Q: Is it permissible for one in the state of ihraam to kill a locust?
Q: I am aware that when a male is in the state of ihraam, then it is necessary for him to leave the shoelace area of the feet uncovered. What about when he is sleeping in the state of ihraam? Can his feet be covered by the duvet or blanket?
Q: Is it permissible to make wudhu or ghusl with Zam-zam water?
Q: Is it necessary to stand and drink Zam-zam?
Q: My children's father is addicted to drugs.
I do not feel comfortable with them spending time in his company & I'm advising them to help him with food only if he gets sick as I feel they are enabling his habit. He manipulates them to feel sympathy for him & uses them for money, transport, food etc. Am I incorrect for doing this?
Q: Is marriage of a Sunni (Deobandi) girl valid to a Shia boy?
Q: What are the laws of Hijrah?
If someone already moved to Turkey or Pakistan or South America with the intention of Hijrah, is he allowed to move back to his home country, like UK or South Africa?
Q: I have recently reverted to Islam while facing a terminal disease from which I might die in some months. I believe my terminal disease is a punishment due to my sins.
Is my shahada still accepted despite me knowing I will die?
Q: Can I recite Inshallah, Mashallah, Alhamdulillah, Jazakallahu Khairan, Subhanallah, TabarakAllah, Allah, Allahu Akbar without following the rules of madd and ghunnah?
Q: Does calling Shias "Kaffir" make yourself a "Kaffir" since we can't make takfir of our own Muslim mumin brothers, is this correct?