Masah of the neck and khilaal of the fingers
1. Some people say Masah of the neck is bidah. What is the correct view on this?
2. At what stage is it best to perform khilal of the fingers?
1. Some people say Masah of the neck is bidah. What is the correct view on this?
2. At what stage is it best to perform khilal of the fingers?
Q: When a male is performing salaah alone, should he call out azaan and iqaamah before commencing? If neither are necessary, may he recite iqaamah before commencing?
Q: If Sajdah Sahw was not required but out of ignorance one performed Sajdah Sahw, is that Salaah valid?
Q: A certain person has a thriving clothing store. I want to open a clothing store where I will sell the same items as him. Also, I want to copy the method that he uses to sell his items. Is this fine?
Please write the duas in Arabic with Harakat and reference from Hadith.
Q: My dad is suffering from a skin disease called psoriasis and it has been for quite a long time now. My great grandfather and my grandfather had the same disease. Please give me some duas for this disease? Can I ask him to recite the dua of Ayub Alaihi Salam as well?
Q: What is taqleed?
Q: I don't like Urdu language. So is it Kufr or Gunaah? please tell me.