Eating lobster, prawn, crab, etc.
Q: I want to know is it permissible to eat lobster, prawn, crab in Islam? If it is permissible, then in which categories our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ate in his life?
Q: I want to know is it permissible to eat lobster, prawn, crab in Islam? If it is permissible, then in which categories our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ate in his life?
Q: I have one problem with my wife. For the last two months she is not allowing me to touch her. Earlier she was fine. If I try to touch her, she screams and threatens that she will runaway or give me divorce. She was very loving and caring person. Does she have any sehr/jadoo/black magic? Please inform me. I am in big trouble.
Q: If a man has 7 children with one wife and his second wife has 2 children from a former marriage. Is it incumbent upon him to buy for each wife a house equal in size and value even though his first wife and children require more space?
Q: It is stated that my family is facing a bit of problems particularly my mother from last year. Her dress is usually spoiled even if it is new or old it has holes, some scratches and threads missing from particular place of the dress. We are very concerned and need positive and proper guidance in the light of Islam.
Q: Is there a sunnah period in which to consummate the marriage. If yes, what is the period?
Q: My brother has recently did nikkah with a Hindu girl. She has accepted Islam and did Tauba also. I want to know if she has to do her aqeeqa and Qurbaani?
Q: When trimming the hair of the private parts, is it compulsory to remove every single hair there as it is difficult for me? I remove as many as I can but not all of them, so please suggest is it ok? Or can I apply hair removal cream there?
س: مفتی صاحب سے میرا سوال یہ ہے کہ اگر نماز میں عورت کے اعضائے مخصوصہ(فرج) پر نظر پڑ جائے تو کیا اس سے نماز ٹوٹ جائے گی؟
Q: Can you give me the reference of the the hadith that means that ask those with knowledge when you need advice or any Quranic verse in the same matter?
Q: In the Hadith it is mentioned about sadaqah jariyah. If I give money for a water pump to be made is that sadaqah jariyah? Also if I tell someone about deen and they practise it, is that sadaqah jariyah? Can you please give me some examples a layman could do for sadaqah jariyah?