Reciting Sami Allahu liman Hamidah instead of Subhana Rabiyal A'laa

Q: When performing Salaah behind the Imaam, in the sujud after saying a few times "subhana rabbiyal alaa" somehow I was about to say "sami Allahu liman hamidah" but as soon as i said "sami Al" I realisized and cutt off and continued saying "subhana rabbiyal alaa". Now was my prayed invalidated since I cutt of at the half? Must I repeat it?

Taking one's naffs as one's ilaah

Q: My question is about an ayat in a quran that says, "those who take there nuffs as there illah". What does this ayat mean? 

Can it be possible that  a person goes to his wife, and be worshipping his nuffs even though he goes to his wife and has intercourse in a  way allowed in shariah. What if he is behaving like an animal or acts upon his animal qualities. Is this allowed in sharia? I am not married yet but I am afraid to get married because of tasswuf and wazifahs and the effects they have upon me.

Obtaining the intercession of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: What is the reference for the following Hadith and can we tell people the virtue contained in it?

The Messenger of Allah  (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has said ‘whosoever recites ten duroods upon me in the morning and ten duroods in the evening, my intercession will definitely reach him on Day of Judgement".

Could you explain the reference of this Hadith and whether it is authentic?


Q: I want to ask about Haqmehar. What is prompt and what is deferred Mahar? And if the word "Ind-ul-talb"which means "on demand" is written on Nikahnama along with deferred mahar. If the husband has paid prompt dower at the time of marriage and then abandon the wife after some months and the wife due to abandonment by husband for more than 2 years is demanding her deferred and ind-ul-talb haq mahar then what are islamic rules about it?

Honouring one's promises

Q: My husband promised me that if I allow him to marry a second wife he will buy me my own house. We are living with his parents for the past 8 years. I accepted it because I knew that nothing is going to stop him from wanting a second wife and I have lived in his parents house for long a home of our own is something we dreamed of a long time. We started looking at houses same time he was looking for a wife. Any way he got married and after some time he told me that a Moulana told him he can't buy a house for me because if he does he has to buy the same kind of house for his second wife even if she doesn't need it she can rent it out. I know all about equality between wives etc but this promise was made to me before he married her. She has her own apartment which her father bought for her after her divorce. I feel cheated I feel very very very cheated. I don't think our Allah is a oppressor and I feel very oppressed right now. I share a room with my 4 kids. It's not fair on me this can't be fair.

Wazifa for husband to become caring

Q: My question is my husband used to take care of me so much when I came from Pakistan. Now we live together for 4 years with joint family. I have one baby boy and the second one is on the way but now my husband doesn't take care of me nor does he look after me. He sits with his mom and he fights with me. His mom reads and blows on him. Please tell me a wazifa that my husband will take care of me.