Giving the value of mahr faatimi when paying the mahr

Q: I got married approximately 9 years ago. At the time my wife and her father wanted Mehr e faatimi as mehr. However I could not afford the mehr e faatimi at that time. They then agreed to a lesser amount but I told them that insha allah one day when I am able to then I will give her the full mehr e faatimi amount. This was just verbally said and was not written down. 

Alhamdullilah I am now in a position where I can give her the full mehr e faatimi amount. I would like to know if I should give her the mehr e faatimi amount at that time (9 years ago) which was approximately R 12 500.00 or should I give her the mehr e faatimi amount of current value which is approximately R28 000.00?

Zakaat on debts

Q: I borrowed some money from my mother to buy a car. We used that money to pay for the car and I will be paying her back every month. Will zakaat have to be paid on that amount if it is already used in buying the car? 

Being charged extra when buying airtime in advance

Q: I bought airtime and put it in my phone. I used the airtime to buy a bundle of data. I never notice my airtime was fifty cents less. They charged me an emergency recharge. They gave me R2 and said from my next airtime they will take R2+R1.10 access fee. What must I do at that time? When agreeing, I never know it was interest but after that I sensed it. Please advise.

Imaam making a mistake in qiraat and remaining silent for more than three subhanallahs

Q: The imaan was reading Surah Sajdah. He got stuck repeatedly and paused for more then 3 subhanAllahs. Does salaah need to be repeated because he didn't make sijdah sahw? 

He got stuck like this before. He seems to be ignorant of the masla. 

He also stands with his legs far apart like a ghair muqalid. What should be done in this situation? How should he be corrected?

Missing Fajr Salaah

Q: I had a wet dream and went for ghusl. There was like 18 mins left for sunrise to pray Fajr when I went to do ghusl. While doing ghusl, when I checked my phone it was 7:16 and time for sunrise was going to be over at 7:25. So when I saw the time was 7:16, I did fast and made a call to a person which took 15 seconds. Then I started washing my parts but unintentionally it took more time. When I finished washing my parts it was 7:24 and now the time was over because I had to make wudu also. I made wudu and prayed my salah. Is my salah valid? 

Delaying in performing the nikaah

Q: I am currently studying, but my future wife's father is sick. Some people suggested that I get married first and then continue studying. At least the father will see his daughter getting married. 

What I am confused about is, isn't it cruel if I haven't provided for her financially or spiritually? 

I think it will be difficult to finish college while working.