Islamic view on women's education

Q: I would like to know all these restrictions that Taliban in Afghanistan are putting upon women prohibiting them to seek education and employment and curbing them to even speak in public, why are they doing this? 

Is there any basis in shariah law that prevents Muslim women to seek education and work even in a segregated setting where there is no free mixing with non mahram men?

A: The greatest mistake of this era is that people have been indoctrinated by western values. Hence, western values seem to be the ideal and to most people, the way to emulate. The one who has gone through western culture and ways knows very well that it has decayed and the rot of it has become quite evident. 

The second mistake is that we have the tendency of believing the western media. The media is also no better because it is the west that controls the media. The media is just the servant, and the servant has to take the instruction of the boss. If he does not comply then he loses the job. 

In the history of Islam you would never see that a woman was impoverished or backwards or oppressed. How did this happen? It happened in this manner that the woman was given her position and rights and she was treated fairly. Hence, the women in general in these Islamic lands are happy and very much satisfied in this original respectable manner. 

There is a marginal percentage of women who were brainwashed by the west and they are saying what the west wants. In the western education system, statistics show that nearly every woman who goes in for higher education has gone through a miserable experience. Many of them have lost their chastity or there was a very unpleasant encounter in the process. 

Ask yourself, what has the west done to protect their dignity and chastity? Western countries statistics show that over 70 percent of the women lose their chastity as early as 15 or 16 and all of this is in the name of education. And the ones who come out as graduates are just about 2 percent. So is this not a farce and hogwash. 

May Allah Ta`ala bless you and all Muslims with the right understanding. Much can be discussed on this topic. However, if these few points are thought over, it is sufficient for a person who is unbiased to clear his mind.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)