I dream every night

Q: I am a married women who is has two daughters and one son.  One  daughter is married. I want ask that every night I see a dream. Daily I see different dreams. So I want to know if I must find out the interpretation of every dream?


Q: I had a dream that my father, mother, my dada, dadi , father's foi, my 9 year old daughter and myself were gone for Haj. We going towards Mina climbing up a hill and my father was holding my dada's hand and helping him proceed. My mother, daughter and I were following and my dadi and father's foi were following behind. My father checked on them and they said they were ok and must not worry. Then climbing up the hill with my father holding my dada's hand we proceeded towards Mina.


Q: I saw a dream in early morning that we are getting ready to go to a function for my elder sister's pregnancy. My elder sister got married 4 months back and stays with her in laws (Mother and father in law). Her husband is in UK and till date my sister could not get the visa to go to UK to stay with her husband. Can I know the meaning of this dream?


Q: Regarding a dream I had after a reunion which included male friends. I dreamed that I went to visit this specific male friend and his mothers in the dream too. He tells me that I walk too hard. Then I dreamt that he has a little toddler sister (in waking life his little sister is an adult) and I play with her when she turns into a green little bug and flies off but we are not too concerned. Then I think we are laying down and I look at his face. What does this mean?

Girl's father sending a legal notice of divorce

Q: One of my colleague got married last year. But his wife initially was not sent to his house with both side family consent. As they were waiting for a grand party to be done from both side. Nikah was done very simply. But before that his wife came to stay with him for some time due to some urgent work in the city. They were staying like husband and wife. However my friend did not tell me whether they had husband and wife relationship. After staying with the husband for 4 weeks approximately the girl went back to her father's house and started telling her father that she has lot of problems with her husband and wants to study higher but till the completion of her studies she will not have any husband wife relationship. After 2-3 months of conversations, girl's father on behalf of girl sent a legal notice of divorce. In which it was mentioned that if my friend does not reply for this notice within 3 months divorce will be done automatically. Is this divorce right according to Shari'ah when the boy didn't say 3 times talaaq however he was ready to be separated?


Q: I had a dream of being in a market place with a muslim sister. It was a marketplace of selling clothing (not food). We were talking and she told me something good and I said "wow ok cool" then she said no sister you must say 'la illaha ilallaah' more often ok? and I agreed with her. But when she advised me I felt somebit of apprehension to take her advise I simply said 'ok'.

Wife supporting the family

Q: I am really lost and wanted help from Islamic point of view. Me and my husband are Muslims. We first met 3 years ago and my parents approved of my husband and I agreed. He did not have a job then, but I trusted Allah and we had our nikah a couple of months later. Since then our lives have been very disturbed. There has been good times. But my husband did not have a job until a year after our our marriage. I was a practicing doctor hence I was supporting us completely. Which was stressful as it was unconventional but I did not mind as I believe risq is in Allahs hand. When my husband got the job, instead of offering to contribute in our expenses, he started sending money to his mom (who lives with the other brother and has property and pension to support her). This continued for a couple of months then finally he started contributing after we had a talk. He was only contributing less than half of the expenses and continued to send money to his mom and brother. A year and a half later, he swapped jobs and needed a car. I volunteered to pay for it since he did not have money. Again believing that as a wife it's my duty and Allah will reward us with barqat in our rizq. He wasn't making any money in his new job so I have been contributing fully again towards all the house expenses. This has gone on for 6 months. Alhamdulillah now he has been offered a very good job which he is due to start in a weeks time. Although his monthly pay is less than mine but I said to him that he should contribute towards our expenses before and save for himself and pay off his debts before contributing any money for his mom as they are non his dependants in any way. Also, we are expecting a baby, and I'll be on maternity leave for 1 year and will only get full pay for three months, half pay for next three months and no pay for 6 months. I was worried about our unborn child's expenses etc and saving for his education etc. When I said that to him he got upset and started shouting at me. I agree that my tone got a bit harsh but Allah as my witness, it was no where as loud as his. Now we have not been talking and sleeping in different rooms for last 3 days. I have been praying to Allah to give us Hidaayah. But I am so hurt that after all what I have done for him, he always places my needs after his own family's need. Also, since our marriage, I have never ever asked for any extravagant gifts like gold etc. I can buy expensive stuff Alhamdulillah with my pay but I have been saving the money for us and now about to buy a property, in which he is not contributing a single penny. I have no one to talk to and have been reading about wife's right in Islam. And making dua to Allah for help. I don't hate him, he is or was very loving. He is a good person who prays all his salats. But I feel I don't have the sabar to give in any more. I will have to kill my inner self, my personality and beliefs to come out and say its my fault when it isn't. I am so stressed as I am expecting and keep thinking of the worse that this is not going to end well. Please help and make dua. Ameen