Reciting a Shaadh Qiraat

Q: Based on the following Hadith, how should we recite the third verse in Surah Layl?

عن علقمة قال: قدمت الشأم فصليت ركعتين ثم قلت: اللهم يسر لي جليسا صالحا فأتيت قوما فجلست إليهم فإذا شيخ قد جاء حتى جلس إلى جنبي قلت: من هذا؟ قالوا: أبو الدرداء فقلت: إني دعوت الله أن ييسر لي جليسا صالحا فيسرك لي قال: ممن أنت؟ قلت من أهل الكوفة قال: أوليس عندكم ابن أم عبد صاحب النعلين والوساد والمطهرة وفيكم الذي أجاره الله من الشيطان يعني على لسان نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم أوليس فيكم صاحب سر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي لا يعلمه أحد غيره ثم قال: كيف يقرأ عبد الله: والليل إذا يغشى؟ فقرأت عليه: والليل إذا يغشى والنهار إذا تجلى والذكر والأنثى قال: والله لقد أقرأنيها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من فيه إلى في (صحيح البخاري، الرقم: 3742)

Purchasing products that have a cross

Q: As we have to buy products like sunscreens and medicine even from the non Muslims (if the ingredients are halaal), they sometimes put crosses on the packaging.For instance, a sunscreen package may have a cross, the same goes for some medicines or patches.

Is it considered haraam for us to buy such medicine or sunscreens if the packaging has a cross? 

Method of making salaam with the imaam after salaah

Q: Should a follower in salaah make salaam:

1. Simultaneously with the imaam

2. After the imaam (such that he waits for the imaam to complete his right salaam and thereafter does his own right salaam, then waits for the imaam to complete his left salaam and then does his own left salaam)

3. Do the right salaam after the imaam but the left salaam simultaneously with him

Sometimes an imaam has completed his head movement but is still stretching the words of the salaam. If we are to do our salaam after the imaam's, should we do it as soon as he has completed his head movement or should we wait until he has also completed uttering the words?

Women attending a nikaah in the musjid

Q: My brother is having his nikaaah at a masjid in December. He is insistent that his future wife would like all the women to attend the nikaaah at the masjid. He says that there will be separate facilities and the women will be wearing masks as a hijaab. He wants hadith or a valid reason as to why women should not attend. He also says if Nabi (sallallahi alayhi wasallam) didn't forbid it then why are certain Ulama say its not permissible while other Ulama say it is correct to attent provided there is separation. He argues that my mother should attend and keep family ties.

Could Moulana please inform me from the hadith and teachings of our Nabi what would be the correct thing to do.

He says that he will not set foot in his mother's home if she refuses to attend his function at the masjid.