Time of Ishraaq Salaah

Q: The Mukrooh time for Asr Salaah sets in when the sun looses its glare and one is able to gaze directly at the sun without any hurt to the eye. If this is correct, then will it be correct to apply the opposite  in order to establish the time of Ishraaq? I.e. After sunrise, as long as one is able to look directly at the sun the time of Ishraaq has not yet set in. However, once one is not able to look directly at the sun, can it be said that the time of Ishraaq has set in? Generally we are told that Ishraaq can be made 10-15 minutes after the time of sunrise. However, in some places it has been noticed that after 5-7 minutes (from the time of sunrise stated on the calender) the sun becomes bright enough that one is not able to gaze directly at it. Furthmore, what is the easiest way to determine the time of Ishraaq when the time of sunrise is not known?

Appointing a person who trims his beard less than a fist as Imaam

Q: If there is a resident Imaam of a Masjid, who adheres to the Sunnah outwardly and by Mazhab he is a Hanafi and another Imaam from outside who it seems as though trims his beard is a Shafi/Maaliki. The question is that can the Second Imaam who is not the resident Imaam be allowed to lead the Eid Salaah on the basis that the crowd that attends the Eid Gaah is generally Shafi/Maaliki? If not then will the sin of appointing him to lead the Eid Salaah be on the board members? As the resident Imaam had informed them that the sin will be on their shoulder and not his. Is this statement correct?

Woman fleeing her marriage home due to abuse

Q: I know a woman who have married with a man who already married two women and he didn't tell the truth, after some time this man beat his wife and treated her badly, at last he decided to kill her. When this woman sensed it she left her husband with out telling him to germany. After 3 years this woman married another boy but her ex-husband didn't give divorce and the wife also didn't take khula. During the 3 years the ex-husband didn't give nafaqah and didn't even search for her. Now is the second nikaah valid for this woman.

Note: The ex-husband by his wish did an operation not to have children and her ex-husband was not ready to talk and was just by name Muslim. This women told him so many times to leave her and she doesn't want anything from him but the husband said that I will take you to my brothers home and will leave you there for ever.

I dream't that my father was telling me to leave Alim course

Q: I had a very strange dream. I dreamt that my father was telling me to leave Alim course of which I have one year left or doing first year and he is going to open a shop and I have to join him and I am telling my family how unfair because all these years he did not do it. Now when I am doing Aalim course and I am at a age of 52 he wants me to leave.