Surah Yaseen before Fajr
Q: If one reads Surah Yaseen before Fajr instead of after, will he still get the reward of his days needs being fulfilled?
Q: If one reads Surah Yaseen before Fajr instead of after, will he still get the reward of his days needs being fulfilled?
Q: On Friday, do women have to perform two rakats of Jumuah at home? Or only zohar namaz?
Q: Is it compulsory for every muslim (male and female) to perform ghusl on Friday?
Q: If for any fardh salaah, I performed it at home but made jamaat with my wife. Will my waajib obligation of jamaat namaaz be fulfilled even though the musjid was nearby?
Q: Is there a limit of how many rakaats of nafl a person can pray with one salam example is it permissible to pray 12 rakaats of nafl with one salam?
Q: A person who prays two rakaats with the intention of tahajjud prayer after Isha salat, will he get reward of praying tahajjud?
Q: I live in Durban, Overport. The other day I travelled to king shaka airport to fetch someone. From there we went to Pietermaritzburg. Was I a musaafir in Pietermaritzburg?
Q: I stay in Raisethorpe. One day I decided to travel musaafir distance, so I left my home, and 1st stopped at east street musjid in town, read 2 rakaats fardh of zuhr and got onto the highway, I did this because I was no more in raisethorpe, I was in town. Is this permissible?
Q: If a person lives in Pietermaritzburg and he travels to king shaka airport, will this be musaafir distance?
Q: Can we do sajdah tilaawat sitting?