Who will pay Zakaat on the deposit for renting out a property?
Q: A landlord has asked for a deposit to rent out his property. Who would be liable for the zakaah on the amount annually?
Q: A landlord has asked for a deposit to rent out his property. Who would be liable for the zakaah on the amount annually?
Q: Most credit cards have a facility where a person is allowed to use credit up to a certain amount and if it is paid back to the back within 55 or 60 days etc then no interest is charged, however from the onset the client and the bank are fully aware that if the client fails to pay within that time limit then interest will be charged. Is it jaiz for the client to utilize this facility and pay in the money within the time limit?
Q: I require a clause for the following Tenant to undertake only to sell coffins only and not to sell insurance policies or funeral plans.
Q: Can Interest money be used to pay unjust fines, e.g. Tax, border fines for paperwork mistakes! I’m not saying on speeding fines? But on those things that we know are unjust!
Q: I would like to find out the following:
If one has to sell electricity from a vending machine, the service provider gives you a discount of 1, 5% on the sale of the electricity. Can one charge a customer and additional 5% on the sale of the electricity {e.g.: a customer comes to buy electricity from you for R20-00 but you charge him R21-00 for the sale. On the customer’s slip they will see that they have only purchased electricity for R20-00.) The cost incurred by me is that I will have to pay the cash deposit fee of about 1%, a monthly unit rental fee of about R150 per month. Is it permissible to do this type of a sale?
Q: Should you make sajda sahw if you read surah 110 in the first rakat and any earlier surahs in subsequent rakats?
Q: Is it permissible to sell fireworks to non-Muslims for new years?
Q: In the Arabic TV series about Omar Ibn Al Khattab, a Jew is shown fighting along with the Muslims in the battle of Badr. Is there evidence for this having happened in reality - did a few Jews participate on the Muslim side in the battles of Badr and Uhud (i.e. without first having converted to Islam)?
Q: If one gets 1 drop of urine on his knee, does the skin become pure by wiping the drop away with a dry tissue and thereafter wiping the skin with a wetted tissue ?
س: هل الصحيح أن أبدان أهل الجنة و النار ستزاد لأجل إكثار اللذة و العذاب؟ هل في الموضوع آيات أو أحاديث دالة على ذلك؟