Q: A certain Masjid committee invested in the Oasis company on behalf of the Masjid. At that time they had not known that it was Haraam. By the time the committee discovered that it was Haraam the investment had already accrued 100 000 rands profit. The question now is that what should be done with the profits gained? A certain Aalim says that since the money belongs to the community, the trustees of the Masjid will have to take them into consideration when getting rid of the money. Another Aalim says that the money is Waqf. Therefore, the trustees will have the independent right of spending the money wherever it may be appropriate without consulting the public. Which of the 2 opinions are correct?
With regards to where the money should be spent, the first Aalim says that it could be spent to build some toilets for the Masjid, etc.. The second Aalim says that there certain people in the community who are heavily involved in debt. Among them 2 are deserving of Zakaat and the third although he is not deserving of Zakaat but he is having difficulty in paying the debt. Therefore, this money should be spent in paying off these peoples debts. Which opinion should be taken?