Profits stipulated in proportion to the investment

Q: There is an online company which invests in shares and money exchange.  They ask us to deposit some amount in their account. They will purchase shares with it and will return to us 3.4% of our amount on a daily basis for 100 days. They will not return to us our principal amount. If I deposit $10, I will be getting $0.34 per day for 100 days. Is this business halaal or not?

Troubled thoughts

Q: I have thoughts that trouble it may be because of what I said. If I make dua or say something for something bad (eg dont grant me jannah) (Allah forgive me) or something that may not be bad (eg Allah must make me worship him in hereafter)(Allah forgive me). Can I be forgiven for both situations and the stuff that I say may differ?

Dua after the janazah salaah

Q: What is the reason for us being prevented from making dua after the janazah salaah?If it is a bidat,then wont it be permissible for us to do it occasionally? If it is not haraam then how can we stop others from doing it? If it is because the janazah salaah is a dua itself,then what if one wishes to make more dua at that time? If the people do not regard it to be sunnat,then would it be permissible to make the dua?

Dua ul Jalalah

Q: I'am looking of Dua ul Jalalah of Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani RA in Arabic, can you please provide me the arabic version of this dua please?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. (1:1) O Allah! I ask of You for the sake of the Mystery of the Essence and for the sake of the Essence of the Mystery, both the Essence and the Mystery being Yours, that may I be protected by the Sacred Light of Allah, by the Light of the Throne of Allah and by all the Names of Allah from my enemies and from all the devils (enemies of Allah), (I supplicate to You O Allah) with a hundred thousand times recitation of (this glorification of Yours): “There is no strength nor power except with Allah”. I have sealed myself and my family and all the things that my Lord has given me, with the impregnable seal of Allah with which He has sealed all the regions of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is sufficient for us and what an excellent Trustee is He. (3:173) What an Excellent Patron and what an Excellent Helper. (8:40) “And there is no strength nor power except with Allah, the Exalted, the Almighty”. And may Allah bestow blessings and peace on our master Sayyidina Muhammad, on his family and all his companions, Aameen.

Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh

Q: I have read about the Dua-e-Ganj-ul-Arsh that its is said that Jibra'eel (Alayhis Salam) came in unknowingly, and communicated the 'Prayer' to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Can you please provide me its sanad?

Dua Naad e Ali

Q: I came across a Sunni Version of Dua Naad e Ali, by reading it the dua looks very good to me, could you please let me know if reading this dua is permissible and also let me know its meaning in English.