Eating lungs

Q: Would it be permissible to eat lungs (kalaiji) of any halal animal? (Actually one of my friends is baralvi he told me that it is makrooh e tehrimi and should not be eaten)

Euthanasia for dogs

Q: An elderly couple inherited two dogs from their son, due to some family situation. The couple are unable to maintain the dogs, such as feed them and take them out for the daily walk. By nature, this particular breed of dogs are considered very dangerous and aggressive. The couple have been unable to sell them or give them away, even to the SPCA. In this particular situation, is it permissible for a vet to euthanise (put down) the dogs. 

Covering the Satr...

Q: I was told that covering up satr at all times is farz e daimi. Please let me know the ruling when 1.) alone 2.) in front of spouse 3.) in front of other mahrams. Also what will be ruling for women for the same question. If I’m alone in my own house where there is no risk of any non mahrams entering, can I wear clothes that slightly show my satr like shorts or when my pants are below button will I be sinful?

What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person

Q: Kindly provide a response on the following: In today's times, with more and more people watching hindi movies, their ways are being practiced by Muslims. What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person, like how the hindus do it - going down on their knees, with head bowed over (almost touching the ground) and touching the feet of the person? Does the Muslim person become a Mushrik? If yes, then does the nikah of that person break? How should such a person make towbah?

Clean shaven Qaris from Egypt


  1. Many imaams allowed a clean shaven qari from Egypt to recite in their masjid. Is this acceptable?
  2. Is this not tantamount to honoring a faasiq?
  3.  Some moulanas who are hanafis say the shafee mazhab does not emphasize the beard. Therefore we can allow a clean shaven qari to read the qiraat.
  4. One aalim say we must have unity. invite the modernists, barelvis, etc. - unity first.
  5. Some say we want to listen to the qu'aan, we are honoring the quraan not the qari?