Selling fireworks to non-Muslims for new years
Q: Is it permissible to sell fireworks to non-Muslims for new years?
Q: Is it permissible to sell fireworks to non-Muslims for new years?
Q: In the Arabic TV series about Omar Ibn Al Khattab, a Jew is shown fighting along with the Muslims in the battle of Badr. Is there evidence for this having happened in reality - did a few Jews participate on the Muslim side in the battles of Badr and Uhud (i.e. without first having converted to Islam)?
Q: If one gets 1 drop of urine on his knee, does the skin become pure by wiping the drop away with a dry tissue and thereafter wiping the skin with a wetted tissue ?
س: هل الصحيح أن أبدان أهل الجنة و النار ستزاد لأجل إكثار اللذة و العذاب؟ هل في الموضوع آيات أو أحاديث دالة على ذلك؟
Q: Kindly advise with regards to the following:
Q: An Imaam, while delivering a Jumuah Bayaan, mentioning about holidays said sarcastically: "In holidays we are not Muslims", trying to tell the congregation that we should wake up and no matter holiday or not we have to fulfill the commands of Allah. What is the situation of his Imaan?
Q: When I make wudhu it takes too long at times as I feel I am not wetting or covering all parts of the limb I am washing. This is also causing the wastage of water. What can I do to ensure that I do not waste water and over wash? If I rub water over my arms or legs 3 times (and try to cover all areas of the arm or leg) but not every single hair gets wet will this count as still being wet and my wudhu accepted? I would say my arms and legs take the longest.
Q: I have a few questions regarding purity. I would appreciate a response. I am subject to whispers from Shaitain, and want to understand these matters properly so I can confront this issue.
Q: One person said: "as praying in congregation is a strong sunnah, and although its intentionally abandoning is makruh tahrimi , the ulama said its repeating is sunnah." Does this mean if some does pray at home intentionally then it is sunnah for him to repeat the same salaah after he has prayed?
Q: In a answer i read that if someone forgets one of the shurut of salaah such as having wudhu, facing qibla, and prays, then if he remembers before the time of that prayer expires it is fard to reap it, but if he remembers after the has expired it is mustahab to repeat. Please give your input.