Organ donation

Q: I want to know if organ donation is permissible in Islam. Is there any type of situation in which it will be premissible? The example given to me: someones brother is very ill-his kidneys have failed & doctors say he needs at least one kidney donated to him. Can this person donate one kidney to his brother?

Irregular cycle

Q: I have an irregular cycle, or rather haven't made a proper recorder of my dates, until recently. Since July this year I've made a sincere effort to monitor my haidh. I've notice that I usually have my haidh for 3-4 days each month with paak days of 18-20 days. However sometimes I have absolutely no discharge after 3 days and I start to spot within the 10 day period for another day maybe 2 or 3. Is this haidh or istihaiza as it is not my habit? I am on a pill. I am very concerned as I am leaving for Haj and not sure how this would affect my Salaah and tawaaf e-Ziyaarat. Do I follow my new habit or that before the pill?

Remarrying after one irrevocable divorce

Q: I was married for 19 years and having problems. I decided to take a second wife but was not happy about divorcin the first wife. My second wife made it condition if she marries me I must divorce the first wife. Her family put a lot of pressure on divorce. I got married to her and divorced the first wife after one week. I have four children. After being married for approximatly for 3 weeks i highly regret divorcin my first wife and consequently have lost all feelings for the second wife. I have no desire of stayin married. My second wife also has 3 children. I issued one irrevocable talaq to my first wife. I desperately need your urgent advice.