Shariah Compliant Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts, Islamic Banking etc.


  1. Is there any reason to doubt income and profits derived from Shariah Compliant Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts, Islamic Banking etc.? From what we gather, there is a differences of opinion regarding the above among Scholars...
  2. Will it be correct to ascertain that vast majority of contemporary Scholars permit Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts Islamic Banking etc.?
  3. What are the main objections of Scholars who disapprove Shariah Compliant Equities, Shares, Unit Trusts Islamic Banking?
  4. What are the responses for their dis-approvals?

Neatening the beard

Q: Is it allowed in Islam for a male to neaten the beard (NOT CUT) while it is still growing to a fist length (Not yet a fist length) as I am still in my teens and my beard has become extremely wild which is not exactly 'in my opinion' what Islam teaches. To me Islam teaches dignity in portraying ourselves to promote Islam rather than be seen as primitive and uncouth. 

Internet or Cyber cafe

Q: I intend to open an internet cafe or cyber cafe. My premises will contain computers that are linked to the internet, and customers will pay me to use these computers and the internet. Is this business allowed in Islam?

Muslim School fining parents


  1. Muslim School fines parents £100.00 if they take children for a holiday during school term; the parents are forced to pay the fine, is this permissible? 
  2. If it’s not permissible for Muslim School to fine the parents £100.00 for taking children for a holiday during school term, and the School have fined the parents on previous occasions what should be done with the money, is it permissible for the School to use the money?

Women freely interacting with strange men in public


  1. Husband picks up wife at work. As she gets in they both kiss one another. Is this acceptable?
  2. In a working environment, in a meeting comprising of various sects what is the common etiquette that a Muslim women should display, defend her point of view loudly, be argumentative, etc.
  3. What does Islam say about women approaching men, say in the lifts, coffee breaks.  No intention of any kind, just trying to be friendly and courteous. Seeing a fellow worker, and saying "Paul”, how are you, how’s the work etc. Sometimes he may just walk past, but you greet him, hey Pat, what’s this. You as a female make the first approach.
  4. The trend of holding hands in public especially married couples.