Earning through a pyramid scheme

Q: I wanted to earn and bear my university and other expenses on my own so I was looking for online jobs. I came across a business named Forever Living Products. They give earnings by a pyramid scheme in which you have to recommend other people to join your business and become a part of your team and you will get paid. In this way you can earn a great deal of money.

As the growth rate in this business is very high, thus I found it to be a bit doubtful and I think some sort of interest is in involved in this business. Kindly guide me so that I can take my decision accordingly.

How to spend one's Ramadhaan

Q: How exactly should I spend my Ramadhaan? I really want to make a difference in myself and my life, but what should I do that will help with my character so I can improve in Ramadhaan and after Ramadhaan as well? Also, what other ibaadah can I perform besides nafl salaah?