Dirty wet wipe touching a clean duvet
Q: I had a dirty wet wipe on the floor. As I picked it up, it touched my duvet. Would I need to wash my duvet?
Q: I had a dirty wet wipe on the floor. As I picked it up, it touched my duvet. Would I need to wash my duvet?
Q: What is the Shar’ee ruling regarding a person who had the money to perform hajj, but prior to performing hajj, he spent all his money? Will hajj be fardh upon him?
Q: A person has extra properties or goods over and above his basic necessities. If he has to sell these extra goods and assets, he will have sufficient money to go for hajj. Is it compulsory for him to sell the extra goods and assets and go for hajj?
Q: Is it recommended to delay the Fajr prayer and Asr prayer?
Q: I'm in the 5th month of my first pregnancy. The 4 heart chambers of the baby can not be seen and the doctor says that the baby has a big hole in the heart. The baby can die or will face multiple surgeries and may survive or not. We are not sure what to do and we don't have this much cash. Can I terminate the pregnancy or not?
Q: I have made some observations in life and I would like to know if I am correct in my wisdom and my guess:
1. Will Allah subhanahu wa taala protect someone who performs his prayer five times a day and protects his heart, eyes, hands, tongue and the area between his legs from zina from financial problems of any kind? As long as he is on this path?
2. Will Allah subhanahu wa taala protect someone from depression as long as he does not commit zina with his heart, eyes, hands, tongue or the area between his legs?
Because anyone with serious financial problems I've met so far, had a girlfriend or committed zina in the past.
Q: With regard to listening to a musjid program over livemasjid, there is a delay in the transmission of approximately thirty seconds compared to listening to it live in the musjid. Based on this, will we be required to make sajdah tilaawat when the imaam recites a sajdah aayat and we hear it on livemasjid?
Q: What kind of bag or satchel can I wear while performing Tawaaf? Can the satchel have a logo of Puma on it? I mean it is a tiger figure made on it.
Q: I wanted advice on how to deal with a situation with my aunt (mothers sister).
A lot of times she breastfeeds very openly (breasts fully uncovered) in front of my brother who is 14 years old. The other day I told her that if she needs to breastfeed then she should go into another room or at least throw on a blanket and she got angry at me and said that it’s comfortable for her and her baby to breastfeed the way she does.
My mother found out about this and said that I should respect my aunt and that it was fine for her to breastfeed like that since my brother is her nephew. Am I in the wrong?
Q: Is there any specified time as to how long Qaylulah should be?