The importance of treating the wife well in Deen

Q: As far as I understand, in a marriage, the wife is only entitled to nafaqah. This nafaqah comprises of two sets of clothes a year and some flour daily for her to make bread for herself. The wife is not entitled to anything else.

However, the wife has to serve the husband and do everything for him. He only gives her two sets of clothing yet she has to wash all the clothes in his wardrobe. He only gives her flour, yet she must prepare for him whatever he wants, and while he is eating good food, she must eat plain bread. She has to clean, dust, mop, do the laundry and take care of the children, but she is not entitled to anything. 

Does this not show that Islam has given much more to men, as they can enjoy everything while the wife must survive on the bare minimum?

Calculating the market value of an item

Q: I sell clothing to chain stores as well as other traders. The chain stores mark up their clothing with a very high markup, making 300% to 400% profit. Other traders' mark up is not so high. The chain stores (e.g. Pep or Ackermans) have many 100 of branches in the country compared to the other traders that I sell to. Hence, the total number of traders will be 60 or 70 compared to the number of chain store branches in the country.

When calculating zakaat, the market value is considered. However, the normal traders sell it at R150 and those chains stores sell it at R300. Will one consider R150 as the market value or R300?

If the market value is considered according to the value of the chain stores, it will be quite difficult for the normal traders who only sell it at R150.

Sports betting

Q: Is it acceptable to engage in sports betting?

Sports betting involves wagering money on predictions of sports outcomes, such as a player's performance or a team's victory. If the prediction is correct, the better's money can potentially be doubled or tripled. In essence, sports betting revolves around forecasting sports results and staking money on those predictions.

Virtues mentioned for “gatherings of zikr” refer to all gatherings wherein the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala take place

Q: In the book Fadhaail A’maal and Muntakhab Ahadeeth, there are many virtues mentioned for “gatherings of zikr”. For example, angels envelope such gatherings, sakinah descends for the ones in the gathering, all sins are forgiven and transformed into good deeds, etc.

My question is that can these virtues be used for the gatherings where the talks of Imaan and Yaqeen are being done, for example, in the bayaans and muzakara when we go out in Tabligh?