Rights of a divorced woman
1. What are the rights and status of a divorced woman in Islam?
2. Does she now have to stay with her parents?
1. What are the rights and status of a divorced woman in Islam?
2. Does she now have to stay with her parents?
Q: What is the status of an investment where the profit is fixed according to the investment amount?
Example - If I invest R10 000 in "ABC INVESTMENTS" and they promise me a return of R500 monthly. Will such an investment be permissible?
If not, what should I do with the money that has been received as pay outs thus far?
Q: Myself and my cousin own a joint business venture. Our ownership and profit sharing percentage is 50/50. Can I bring my son into the business by selling him 10% of my shareholding? Do I need my partner's permission for this or not?
Q: How do I perform sadjah sahw?
1. I have a lot of qadha salaah and I don't know exactly how much, how should I calculate all my salaah?
2. While performing my qadha salaah, can I perform all the Fajr, then all the Zuhr, then all the Asr and so on?
Q: If we have to read a Surah 11 times. Should we read bismillah once or 11 times before the Surah?
Q: I would like to verify if the name "Zariyah" is a Muslim name and the correct meaning of the name.
Q: I am working at a retail store as a cashier. The store also sells beer and pork and other meats... I only scan the item. Is my income haram?
I also have another job offer at a pizza restaurant that sells pizzas with toppings including chicken and bacon. Which is a better job for me?
Q: I have a question regarding if something is haram and shirk. There's this thing called subliminals and they’re essentially these affirmations that reach your subconscious to help change some things or help improve yourself. For example, get longer eyelashes or improve your memory. Is it shirk? Also, some don’t have music playing, usually rain drops or silence.
Q: My brother took a loan from me for 2-3 days by telling me that he needs the money urgently and he had sold his shop and would get money in 2-3 days and pay me. But he was lying to me. He was under heavy debt taken from many people and was not selling his shop (I don't know if he had a shop at all). He just wanted to take money from me.
Four years have passed and he has not returned a single penny. Had he told me the truth, I would have given him only a small amount of money as a loan, and not all my money from which I was making my earning. Now he is expecting to receive some money (about 25% of my loan) but he refused to pay me. The reason is that he wants to educate his daughter at a medical college and needed money for her.
My question is: If my brother gets any money, is he obliged to educate his children first or pay my loan first? He argues that his children are his responsibility. My argument is that I gave him all my money I was using to earn a living for my children.