Asking one's husband for separate living quarters

Q: I live with my husband, son and my elder brother in law. He is soon to be getting married insha Allah. I don’t want to live with him. I am trying to convince my husband to take some other place as I want some privacy and peace. It is haram by asking that ? Or am I a bad person just by putting my priorities my family’s happiness?

Whenever we discuss about this, initially my husband kept quit and then he used to say, yes we will see to it, but now he is forcing me and telling me I should live were he wants me to and if I want to shift to some other place leaving his brother then even I should stop all my contacts with my family. I don’t feel comfortable living with my brother in law. Is it a gunah for asking this to my husband? Please help me out.

Earning through redirecting people to ad websites


1. Is it permissible for me to earn money through redirecting people to ad websites? When they click on a link on my website, they will first be directed to an ad website which will display an ad for few seconds and thereafter they will be directed to the link they clicked on. The ad website will pay me for each person who views their website via me directing them there. Will it be permissible for one to earn money in this way?

2. Will it be permissible for me to earn through advertising for people on my website? I will display people's ads on my website and the ads do not contain any haraam elements (pictures of animate objects, etc.)?

Females wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram

Q: I recently received the following message: Ihyaaud-Deen WhatsApp Broadcasts *Wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram*

Q: In South Africa, should one avoid wearing black clothing during Muharram as the Shias wear black clothing?

A: Yes, if wearing black clothing has some resemblance with the Shias then this should be avoided.

My question is, I wear niqaab, majority of my clothing is black, because I simply love wearing black. Whenever I go out of my house, I have gloves that are black, a jilbaab that is black as well as a niqaab that is black. Even in my house I wear black most of the time. Can I wear black clothing without the intention of following the shi'ahs?

Fasting on the last and first day of the hijri year

Q: Please clarify if there is Hadith to fast on the last and first day of the hijri year. A pious person mentioned to me that in the book of Shaikh Abdul Qader Jilani (rahmatullah alayh), Ghunyat ul Talibeen, the Hadith is mentioned.

He sent me the picture of the Arabic book page with the Hadith, it is on page 90. I think it is not possible to make an attachment here.

Working during iddat

Q: My husband has given me papers... He wrote I divorce you Talak Talak Talak... then in one line again I divorce you... How many divorces does it count?

He isn't giving any money... Can I work in a school during iddah as we were separated since a year?

Using a herbal remedy to give birth quickly

Q: Last year I gave birth and an African Muslim woman who I trust told me about a herbal remedy for speeding up the birth and dilating. She told me that she soaks maryam flower and drinks it like a tea 2 weeks before the due date. I did this and everything was okay. Allah Ta'ala granted me a quick natural birth.

This year I am going to give birth again but my sister in law sent me a post that she read about people saying that they use maryam flower for prosperity and wealth and so on. Basically, like witchcraft or something. I'm not sure now and I am scared to use it after reading this post.

I want to know if its okay for me to use it as a herbal remedy like I did the last time or should I stay away from it?