Sticky liquid coming out after ghusal

Q: Yesterday I performed ghusal for janabat in the afternoon and urinated two times. One time before ghusal (after discharge) and one time during ghusal and did not see any manni. But after that, the next time I urinated was this morning and some drops of colourless sticky liquid came out after the urine. I also have pain in my kidneys from yesterday. Do I have to perform ghusal again or not? 

Making taubah


1. How does one repent? Does one have to repent through dua for it to be accepted? Or can one just be talking in a room alone, as if they are talking to Allah?

2. Does one have to be in pure clothes or state for repentence to be accepted?

3. Is it true that Allah doesn't accept forgivenss from someone who isn't talking to another muslim? Does this mean their repentence will not or is not accepted nor will their good deeds? What if the Muslim they aren't speaking to is rude, swears or drinks alcohol and sells cigarettes. What if the person has ego and degraded the other person. Insha Allah they will eventually try to speak to them in the future when they get the opportunity when the time is right.

Being unable to wash one's feet in a basin for wudhu

Q: From birth I have a congenital hip dislocation problem due which I am not able to lift my leg till the height of the wash basin. In most offices, people wash their feet in the wash basins but I can't do that to wash my feet.

Please advice if I can:

1. Do masah on my feet.

2. Wet the complete foot by rolling a wet hand.

3. Use a commode to wash my feet where a Muslim shower is available.