Using paper currency

Q: Is using paper currency In accordance with sharia and is it permissible?

Hence the world trade currency is not based of any tangible asset such as gold or silver.

The federal reserve prints USD without any backing then using it to provide loans to poor countries in exchange for services and goods. It also gives Central Banks control over the economy and have control on how much is printed to who it is distributed to and is unjustly distributed.

They also use banking methods such as Riba and fractional banking which is haraam and is the backbone of their financial system.

Lying to a courier company

Q: I have ordered online. The courier delivered the item to the security or maid. I then asked the sender where is my items as it was not delivered to me and the proof of delivery has the maid or security name. They then offered a refund or replacement. I did this a few times with a few companies. I wanted to know if this is haraam

Going through challenges after changing one's life

Q: Earlier in my past life when I didn't have much understanding of deen, I felt like I'm free from challenges and tests. After following deen Alhamdulilla I feel like life gives me tests at every step. One finishes and the other is on my door step. What is this Ustadh?

I'm confused. Is this a sign that My Rabb is not happy with me that's why I'm encountering one test after the other?

Advising a girl not to go to university

Q: There is a cousin of mine that has completed her matric and plans on starting university... I spoke to her about the importance of studying Deen and that a woman's place is not out in the public... She says that she made istikhara and shes very sure that madressa isn't for her at this stage of her life...

She is a very stubborn person by nature and is dead set on going to university, I don't know what else to tell her.

Can Mufti Saheb please advise me on how to go about this... Should I just leave it or should I continue speaking to her (I feel like I'm pestering her)?