What is considered as Hawaaij-e-asliyyah?
Q: A person has only R1000 in cash but he has 7 cars. He uses one every day of the week.
Does he have to pay sadaqatul fitr, make Qurbani, and cannot receive zakaat because of these cars? He is using them however.
In Behishti Zewar the same type of thing is mentioned for furniture and clothing etc., that as long as he is using the clothes and furniture it will be considered to be from his needs. Does it matter if he has 100 pairs of clothing and 100 cupboards, 10 cars, but uses them? Will this still be considered as his needs, and thus can still accept zakaat? Or do we look at the fact that he only needs one car actually, thus the rest will be above his basic needs.
This would then mean we would have to say the same for clothing and furniture. Or is it correct to say that as long as he uses the items regularly then they will be classified as his needs, no matter how many cars etc he has. If so, How regularly would he need to use the items?