Sleeping after tahajjud
Q: Is sleeping after tahajjud permissible?
Q: Is sleeping after tahajjud permissible?
Q: I heard that its better to give money or pay somebody with your left hand and when you receive, its better to use the right hand. Is there anything like this in Islam?
Q: A person works abroad and his wife is asking him to leave his job and come back home but his parents don't allow him to return. What should he do?
Q: I just want to know that during ghusal if we are washing our body parts like, if first we wash our first arm 3 times and then forgetfully we wash our 2nd arm 2 times so is it okay ? Or we have to balance the order?
Q: I just needed to find out if it's ok in Shariah for my husband to make me reach orgasm during my haidh. He is able to do this while the satr area is covered.
Q: Is it permissable for a Muslim girl to marry a Hindu boy?
Q: Kindly advise options for a pilot to perform salaah whilst on duty.
Q: I want to be with the good people on the Day of Resurrection. Can you please advise me?
Q: I study in a co university. Yesterday was my first class. A guy came and sat next to me. He seem to know nothing about using the computer and kept asking me questions. Is it permissible to help na mahram regarding studies with no impure intentions? Also, he was sitting really close to me. Is that haram?
Q: I am working as a consultant in a micro finance bank that provides loans on interest. Are my earnings halaal?