Period of iddat after divorce
1. What is the period of iddat after divorce?
2. When does it apply?
3. If a woman is seperated from her husband for the last one year, then whats her iddat period?
1. What is the period of iddat after divorce?
2. When does it apply?
3. If a woman is seperated from her husband for the last one year, then whats her iddat period?
Q: I have a partner who has debts that needs to be paid off, instead of me giving my zakaat away to someone needy, could I give him that money to help him pay his debts?
Q: In order to catch up on my qadha salaahs I have been reading them straight after fajr during sunrise not knowing it has been wrong to do so, is my salaah valid and should I re-read all my qadha salaahs that I have read at this time?
Q: I would like to find out if my ghusal and wudhu would be valid if I have oil in my hair and on my scalp?
Q: If a woman dreams that her and her husband are far away from each other and she is angry and upset with her husband but isn't sure if they were divorced in the dream.
1. Would a dream like this mean divorce in real life?
2. Would dreaming of divorce mean divorce in real life
3. Would dreaming of this or of divorce mean that the nikah has broken or become or will be invalid?
Q: Is it permissible in islam for the Moulana to create a dowry agreement and to tell the husband to sign such an agreement that in the event of him divorcing his wife then he has to hand over his assets to his wife or his rights to his assets will be forfeited and transferred to the wife. Also to place the husband on terms to sign such dowry agreement. I know in Islam we have mahr paid immediately.
Q: If two talaaks were given, can the talaak be revoked and a fresh nikah be performed to allow the couple to continue their marriage?
Q: Is it permissible to marry a guy who is a non Muslim and he wants to convert to Islam? Is a Muslim girl allowed marry him after he converts to Islam?
Q: Can women use an eraser for shaving unwanted hairs?
Q: As we know many people fall in love and to get their loved ones they do things like taweez etc. I want to know if it is permissible to do taweez in order to get attention of your loved one and he/she can like u back?