Were any of the Ambiyaa (Alayhimus Salaam) treated harshly by the kuffaar?
Q: Did any of the Prophets get extremely harsh treatment by kuffar like beaten by a mob and humiliated etc. or is it against the sunnah of Allah?
Q: Did any of the Prophets get extremely harsh treatment by kuffar like beaten by a mob and humiliated etc. or is it against the sunnah of Allah?
Q: I recently had a satanic thought that whether it was true to say that If we say Allah is everywhere by his knowledge so it should be true to say we can say that Allah is in our body, bladder, rectum etc too because of his knowledge. Is it correct to say that or have I committed kufr?
Q: Is it compulsory to recite 'wajjahathu wajhiyya...' in the starting of sunnah prayer and "allahumma ighfirlee maa qadhammthu..." in the tashahhud of sunnah prayer.
Q: I was reading Stories of the Prophet by ibn Kathir, I think it was Adam AS, I think I read an ayah in which I think it was mentioned that when Adam AS followed shaytan and ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, he was not on Islamic monotheism (I think it was in brackets but I’m not sure). But when I read it again I couldn’t find it, I thought maybe I misread something. Does this ayah appear in the Quran? If yes what does it mean by not on true monotheism?
Q: If someone don't remember how many talaaqs he gave, neither does his wife remember, then what is the shariat ruling for this?
Q: My question is related to the distribution of the estate and inheritance.
We are 3 sisters and one brother, our father passed away before ramadan and after almost 4 months on our mother passed away. The father left a building and the mother also left a building in the estate. Although they never wrote any will but my mother wished to give me her gold which she left and she shared her wish with my other sisters as well that she wanted to give it to me.
1. Now the question arises that would it (gold) be divided among all the siblings or just I will be getting it?
2. Now secondly, please also explain how soon should the estate be distributed among the siblings?
3. Also, whatever is left (the belongings of the father and mother), should it be first mutually discussed between the siblings that if they want to give it to someone else or to use it by themselves, or anyone among the siblings can just give it without asking or discussing it with other because some belongings have been given without mutual consultation? Would the person get a sin if he/ she doesn't mutually discuss about it? Highlight the importance of discussion specially in inheritance according to islam.
4. Lastly, both the buildings which my father and mother owned were giving rent, and since after my fathers death for the last four months no rent coming was distributed among the heirs and was not even disclosed. It is been collected under the supervision of our brother and a sister but the amounts are not discussed and not yet distributed. Kindly tell would the person be sinful if he has been storing the rent which was to be divided and didn't know about it?
Q: I used to read the Quran, fatwa webistes where Allah's Name was mentioned in the toilet. Sometimes I also cannot control myself and use the same cellphone that I learn about Islam to watch pornography. I read fatwas today that warns against both scenarios and I am afraid if I disbelieved due to those behaviours. More so, after reading that fatwa, which in fact also happened in toilet, I did not stop immediately and continued to read other fatwas to confirm if that fatwa is correct or not. I am frightened now and did I disbelieve and what should I do?
Q: I used to act on a fatwa from the hanbali site islamqa.info which states that you can recite loud in silent prayers such as asr, dhur, third rakah of maghrib and more and you should be careful to concentrate. I am a non native speaker of Arabic and I personally find praying loud in silent prayer is helpful to concentrate and reduce mistakes. Today I read a fatwa from a hanafi website and it states that reciting loud in silent prayers is invalid. I really want to follow the easier opinion of the hanbalis because I can't afford making mistakes in prayer. Some scholars also say that Subhaana rabbiy al-‘azeem and Subhaana rabbiy al-a’laa, and the tashahhud should all be silently. What's your thoughts?
Q: I work as a freelance web designer and programmer. Recently, a client asked me to create a website with an online store system to sell PSD files. PSD file stands for PhotoShop document. They can be simple graphic designs or images that people use (for example, book printing companies always purchase book cover PSDs).
I programmed and designed the online store. Once I reached the final steps of my work, I found out that this client will use the website I built to sell some weird images. These images are not pornographic, but they are very weird 3D models of people (mainly half-naked girls), for some game companies. Apparently, the game companies buy this person’s designs to use in their games. These images are not classed as pornographic, but they have so much weird sexual underflow.
I get paid a one-time payment for creating the “online selling platform”. I do not “host” this website for the client. My job was just to make a selling system for digital files and it stops there. Similarly, I will not be uploading the pictures to the site. Will the money that I earn through creating this site be halaal? Keep in mind that I did not know what the purpose of this site was.
Q: Zaid has one sister. She is 75 years old and is an Alzheimers patient. Her condition is such that sometimes she is unable to recognize her own daughter, always keeps on asking about her son (she actually never had any son), and is living in the past where she thinks her husband and mother are still alive (and in reality they died many years back). She doesn't remember that she has to offer salah.
While distributing their mother's inheritance money, Zaid kept his sister's 4 lakh in his bank account as amanat. There are 5 witnesses over it. He is not using this money as he fears Allah Ta'ala. The pension she gets is enough for her basic needs. Zaid wants to know if he needs to discharge his sister's zakat from her share i.e. 4 lakh rupees, or should it remain untouched as she is not in her senses?