Qaseedah Burdah
Q: Is the qasidah burdah a form of shirk?
Q: Is the qasidah burdah a form of shirk?
1. What are fard acts of wudhu? If I want to wash my face and there is some sweat on my face, can I make my hand wet then wipe my face or washing my face is required?
2. Also, if I were to wash my arms or face, normally I wet my hand and touch the tap to close it and wipe my face after touching tap. The tap was wet due to me closing it, so is my wudu valid since my hand had mustamil (used water )?
3. Also when doing masah, if my hand touched my wet face and that water also came in doing masah is my wudu valid? (Here also mustamil water)
4. Is doing wudu in steps compulsory or not?
5. Is it compulsory to complete the wudu before the hands and face get dry?
Q: Is it permissible for men to trim their hair a little bit on the sides only?
Q: I have been amongst the Muslims who have rarely prayed, but now I started praying. I don't know some words or didnt memorize some words. Is it permissible for me to pray with a paper beside me explaining all the actions and words of Salaah?
Q: I kept my daughters name Inabia. I checked its meaning from the internet. It means "one who turn stowards Allah" and it is an Arabic word. When I asked the Arab people working with me on the ship, they said that they never heard this name and they don't know the meaning. Please explain whether this name is correct or should I change it.
Q: Can men wear red or pink clothing?
Q: For Hajj tamatu, I will be wearing ihram of umrah from Karachi airport. When I reach the hotel room in Makkah, is it jaiz for me to take a nap before performing umrah?
1. For Hajj tamatu, what is the exact day and time to wear ihram of Hajj?
2. Am I supposed to wear Hajj ihram from meeqat, or from the hotel room in which I will be staying?
1. What is the best time for tawaf without rush, so that I can avoid getting touched by men?
2. Also, should we perform tawaf on the ground floor, or on the floors above?
Q: Is it allowed in ihraam to take a shower without using shampoo, soap and changing the ihraam during the 5 days of Hajj?