Killing a murtad

Q: I want to know the ruling for people leaving Islam. Should we kill them? Also please tell me what Quran says about a murtad? Why do people leave Islam eventhough they know the truth?

Returning an item to it's rightful owner

Q: If a person leaves something in someone's house and then he forgets about the thing and the other person also does not give his thing back to the person who owns it and now the owner of the thing is not in contact with the person. Someone told the person that he has to give money to some Islamic center if he can't return it. What is the solution that would be better?

Women becoming depressed when hearing about the beauty of the hoors

Q: I want advices. Whenever I hear or read about hoors I became depressed. I read hadiths about their beauty, perfume, singing, skin colour etc. I'm dark and I had hurtful comments about this (it seemed that I had a trauma when I read about hoors the first time) and I suffer of hirsutism.

I grew up with the idea that a soul was united with her/his half. Not a soul united with several people. I believed in a monogamous marriage where a person desires ONLY one not others. Like a princess gets his prince, not that the princess had to share with others. I know that men desire women. I know that but I can't go through this. I don't know what to do, even hearing the words relating to hoors I became upset. It's difficult to read Qur'an and hadiths, somehow I became demotivated to continue when I read hoors and it's becoming difficult to continue. Whenever I come across the verses about them, it seems that I'm self-lesioning...

Every time, a youtube video about them comes in the homepage I say to myself that I shouldn't be upset and then end up watching it and being hurt again. Everytime.... Men seem to be joyous and joke about it, like they don't mind that this thing hurts others... I'm so broken down and depressed. It happens everytime, and everytime I feel I'm distancing from Allah. I'm scared...

But I am so tired... when reading about them. Everybody seems to joke. But I take it seriously. So please don't be harsh, because it's already difficult. Be compassionate in my regards please.