Men and women performing salaah in a hall separated by a wall

Q: In a Masjid where there is one hall but men and women pray side to side but women are in a space next to the men separated by a wall and a divider and there is a gap of a more than a space a person can stand in between the men and women. If in this set up, some women on their side end up being ahead of men on the men’s side, would the prayer of the men they are ahead of or on the same line on be invalidated, would anyone’s prayer be invalidated?

Doing an assignment regarding LBQTI+

Q: The following is from an assignment of someone doing B.Ed Honours:

"You want to investigate how LBQTI+ learners find safe spaces in the school and plan to interview them using a snowball sampling technique. Discuss the ethical considerations that will inform your research project. Attend to the following in your response:

• An overview of the issues of LBQTI+ in education (100 words)
• Ethics in research (300 words)
• Doing research with vulnerable groups (500 words)
• Issues of confidentiality, anonymity and privacy (500 words)"

What are the effects that these types of assignments/exams will have on the state of a Muslim's imaan?

Clalit Health Services

Q: "I've been informed by my Muslim friend, an Israeli citizen, that according to the Mashaaikh in Palestine (Israel), participating in Clalit Health Services is considered permissible. Clalit is a health maintenance organization where members pay a fixed monthly fee for comprehensive healthcare coverage. Considering this structure, I seek further clarification and alignment with Islamic principles.

Additionally, is the model of Clalit Health Services similar to that of medical aid commonly seen in other places, or are there significant differences that I should be aware of? I kindly request insights on this matter, and if further research is necessary for accurate understanding, it would be appreciated if you could provide guidance on the key aspects to explore."

Using paper currency

Q: Is using paper currency In accordance with sharia and is it permissible?

Hence the world trade currency is not based of any tangible asset such as gold or silver.

The federal reserve prints USD without any backing then using it to provide loans to poor countries in exchange for services and goods. It also gives Central Banks control over the economy and have control on how much is printed to who it is distributed to and is unjustly distributed.

They also use banking methods such as Riba and fractional banking which is haraam and is the backbone of their financial system.