Washing impurity from one's private part
Q: During the day, when I kiss and love my wife, one or two thick drops discharge from my penis. Is it compulsory for me to take a bath or not?
Q: During the day, when I kiss and love my wife, one or two thick drops discharge from my penis. Is it compulsory for me to take a bath or not?
Q: Did Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) pray for the destruction of most zalim people? Also is it mentioned in the Quran that Allah will destroy the zalim people?
Q: If due to rain in certain parts of the world, Maghrib and Isha’ are prayed together in the masjid. Would it be permissible for Hanafis to conduct a second congregational Isha’ prayer in that masjid, because it is forbidden to conduct second congregation prayer in a masjid?
Q: Our madrasah teacher once told us that we should wait for a while after Azan and pray around 10-15 mins later (i.e. she was trying to say one shouldn't immediately start praying after Azan). Is it true?
Also, my father told me that there's a Hadith that says that one should quickly pray after Azan. Is there such a Hadith?
Q: There is a Hadith in which it is mentioned:
Allah Ta'ala will gather all the human beings of early generations as well as later generations on one plain so that the announcer will be able to make them all hear his voice and the watcher will be able to see all of them. Does the word announcer and watcher refer to Allah? Also, is Allah attributes with a voice?
Q: Do you have to sit and drink water?
Q: When I got married I was shocked to see my husband shaking hands with his cousins, mamo's wife and other females of the family. I told him that this is not right. Similarly putting hands on the heads of smaller than him but baligh girls. He says that he has no bad intention at all and it is a custom and matter of respect.
Q: I can't wake up for Fajr. I tried a lot but had missed it many times. Astaghfirulallah. Kindly give me some Dua or (amal) to wake up.
Q: My cousin and another cousin's wife are in a sexual relationship. Both repented. What should they do?
Q: The first rakah of fajr should be long. Is it for the two rakah sunnah or the fard only?