Eelaa (taking an oath to abstain from having any relations with one's wife)

Q: A man insisted his wife to go out of the country to work with him, and his wife did not want to go because of the environment in the western country, she was afraid that he would go there. In order not to deteriorate in this environment, her husband then told her that if she did not comply, he swore that he would not go near her for four months, and four months had passed, Does it lead to divorce?

Salaah for a woman who has a haidh habit of 4 days but bleeds for more than 10 days


1. A girl has a haidh habit of 4 days, but for the past year she has been bleeding for over ten days. Does she have to wait for the full ten days to be over and then make qadha of the 6 days salah, or can she start reading after the 4th day as she is sure that she is going to bleed for more than 10 days?

2. If she thinks her haidh is over after 7 days and makes ghusl and starts reading salah, and then sees blood again on the 9th day and it continues past the tenth day, will the salah she read from the 7th to the 10th day be counted or will she still have to make qadha of them?

Terminating a mudhaarabah contract

Q: In a business investment, if a person invests his money (let say 100%) and another person invests his efforts and they share the profits as per mutual agreement, then I wonder how this business deal ends in the case where the investor wants to withdraw from the business.

Does he take back everything as he invested 100%, and in general should the person who wants to take up the business have to pay the prinicipal amount invested by the investing person for him to stay away from the business (with a mutual deal)?